Vol.8 No.1 2023
作者:管理员    发布于:2023-10-26 08:25:31    文字:【】【】【

East Asian Pragmatics

Issue 8.1 (2023)


Table of Contents



The pragmatics of creative language use in East Asian languages

An Introduction

Hongyin Tao, Ryoko Suzuki                           297-305



Celebrification and viewer interaction in microcelebrities’ product promotion videos

Chi-hua Hsiao                                      307-331


Multimodal amusement resonance as a conversation interactional device

Evidence from Mandarin Chinese and English

Hongyin Tao                                       333-363


Creativity in compliment responses in Japanese everyday talk

Ryoko Suzuki                                      365-394


Language reproduction and coordinated agency through resonant play

Hiroko Takanashi                                    395-423


Creative multimodal and multilingual puns as and through joint actions in Korean media interviews

Mary Shin Kim                                      425-458


Syllabically matched resonance in sound and category

An excursion into the poetics of ordinary talk in Korean

Kyu-hyun Kim                                       459-493

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