Vol.7 No.1 2022
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-04-09 10:18:37    文字:【】【】【

East Asian Pragmatics

Issue 7.1 (2022)

Table of Contents


Cross-disciplinary perspectives on research article introductions

The case of reporting verbs

Winnie Cheng, Phoenix Lam, Amos H. W. Yung                            1-21


Hypothetical enactment as a resource for elaborating agreement in Japanese talk-in-interaction

Yuki Arita                                                        23-56


A response token as an interactional resource for topic closing in Korean conversation

Kyoungmi Ha



Conditionals and clause order

A new look from the postposed -myen clauses in Korean

Chang Bong Lee


Research on mitigation in the Chinese language

María Querol-Bataller


The speech act of apologising in Japanese online communication

A corpus-assisted study on the use of gomen in written, computer-mediated settings

Eugenia Diegoli


Book Reviews

Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry

Yasuko Obana (2021)

Reviewed by Chao Dai                                            143-148











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